5 poderosos beneficios para la salud de la proteína de guisante en polvo Feb 03, 2023

Los polvos de proteína de guisante de origen vegetal le brindan la nutrición que necesita sin los efectos secundarios de las fuentes de proteína de origen animal. Es una de las proteínas en polvo más hipoalergénicas. El polvo se produce moliendo guisantes y eliminando el almidón y la fibra. Los guisantes son naturalmente ricos en proteínas. Los polvos de proteína de guisante brindan los poderosos beneficios que necesita para estar saludable en general.

Beneficios de la proteína de guisante

1. Fácil digestión y rápida absorción de fibra

Pea powder loses most of its fiber and starch when processed. Pea powder becomes easier to digest. This means the body gets access to them quickly and can put them to use right away where they are needed most.

2. Muscle-Building and Repair

The amino acids in peas are perfect for repairing and rebuilding muscle. The highly digestible and absorbable nature of pea protein means you can take it just before or just after a workout and get amino acids to the rescue quickly. To effectively build muscle, consistent exercise must be done together with proper nutrition.

3. Promotes Appetite Control and Helps with Weight Loss

Peas help regulate appetite and aid in weight loss. It is a low-calorie food without containing the unhealthy fats found in many meat and animal proteins. High protein-containing foods keep you full for a longer time.

4. Good for the Kidneys and Heart

The protein from peas, mainly yellow peas, has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure while being gentle on the kidneys. It may prevent kidney problems.

5. Supports optimal health and wellbeing

Moreover, pea protein is good for your weight, it’s a great addition to a plant-based diet. Studies show that plant-based diets are cost-effective, low-risk interventions that may lower body mass index, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

La proteína de guisante en polvo se agrega a los batidos de proteínas, los batidos y las bebidas energéticas para aumentar el contenido de proteínas y es ideal para casi cualquier dieta, ya que es naturalmente vegana e hipoalergénica. Es una gran fuente de hierro y proteína de alta calidad.

Para productos relacionados, visite nuestro sitio web: https://www.reachever.com/Pea-Protein-Powder_p167.html

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